Risk factors trends

I am working on the development of Bayesian models able to integrate – in a principled and meaningful way – information from heterogeneous sources (such as microdata from large scale population surveys and local studies in special populations, surveillance data, administrative data on food and alcohol sales, …) and recover temporal trends and geographical and sociodemographic distribution of major risk factors for NCDs.

Sub-themes of this research are:

  • Harmonisation of sampling weights across multiple surveys and integration of design-based information into a Bayesian framework
  • Meta-regression models integration quality weighting
  • Calibration of large scale surveys using local high-quality data
Annibale Cois
Senior Specialist Scientist


The annual conference of the South African Statistical Association.


Alcohol use has widespread effects on health and contributes to over 200 detrimental conditions. Although the pattern of heavy episodic drinking independently increases the risk for injuries and transmission of some infectious diseases, long-term average consumption is the fundamental predictor of risk for most conditions. Population surveys, which are the main source of data on alcohol exposure, suffer from bias and uncertainty. This article proposes a novel triangulation method to reduce bias by rescaling consumption estimates by sex and age to match country-level consumption from administrative data.


Making sense of sparse and heterogenous data

Insights from the 2nd South African Comparative Risk Assessment Study

A Bayesian approach